This holiday season I am reflecting on how I have been given so very much during this lifetime. It’s no wonder one of my favorite bible passages is from Luke, “To whom much is given, much is required. To whom much more is given, much more is required.” I know I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of what God’s intention is for me on this earth so I keep working harder to find that story. Before each time moving forward though, I must reflect and appreciate what He’s already shown me. So thank you Suspense Magazine for the honor of being on the Best of 2013 List for NOAH’S RAINY DAY. I worked hard at giving an authentic voice to those who haven’t one in that book. And I am also grateful for NOAH being named a finalist in 2013 USA Best Book Award for Mystery.
If I could sing, it would be to the tune of 12 Days… Five golden sons! Four grandkids. Three living parents. Two series growing. And a spouse who still surprisingly loves meeeeeeeee!
Count your blessings this holiday season.
And God Bless… Sandra Brannan